I am trying different scams on the internet to see if they are real scams or not.

The money I lose is research into the SCAM and YES I have lost money on these two. Not sure if they are just a money siphon or at times they put out real stats just so they have something to show. But STAY AWAY.

First one is X-Bitcoin-Generator

If you have had success or failure with these two sites then please put a comment below.

In my opinion this is a SCAM. Scam but if you read the fine print it does imply that you may not get your payment.

“X has been sent to the wallet address. XXXXXXX. The Bitcoin network requires a small fee to be paid for each transaction that goes to the miners, else a transaction might never be confirmed. To ensure your transaction confirms consistently and reliably, pay the minders fee X”

X-Bitcoin-Generator.Net Stay far away.

If though I do receive payment in a couple of weeks then I will change my mind but for now I classify this as a SCAM.

The next one is BTC Mining Tool

Yes I lost money all in research for this one.

Very similar to the above coin generator in look and feel.

A giveaway that this is a scam is the “Just Received” statistics are old not current one of the transactions was from

Received Time 2017-03-01 08:34:23

And today’s date is 2017-03-12

Here is the image of the Just Received. (NOW if I get paid in 12 days then well I will take this from SCAM to for Real but right now I am thinking this is a scam.)

The site looks like.

So again caution when working with Bitcoin generators.


If you have found that these sites work for you let me know, comment below and what the trick is to making them work but at present I don’t see any value since I have had losses with these two.