Here is a quick review of Speechelo that answers the question is it any good.
Today there are a large number of Text to Speech products that you can purchase or have done for free on the internet but… YOU KNOW they are computer-generated voices and they sound like a generated voice and are mainly true of the free software online that I have tried most of the free ones I had tried were horrid.
Speechelo is one of the first pieces of software that I have found that you have to listen carefully to know if it has been computer-generated.
This is true when you are using the software in the AI mode. In standard mode there are some tweaks you would need to do to have it sound more normal but even in standard mode, it is quite good.
In the audio of the below video, I tried to capture the voices from my computer audio instead of importing the actual file and using that in the video so they have a lower volume and a lower quality than normal. Below the review video I have a video I made with Vidnami and used the Speehelo voice over. Check it out you will be amazed at the quality of the product.
Watch the below video and the voice over was made with Speechelo. I am sure you will agree this is heads and above the rest of the crowd.
I could go on about Speechelo but it is really so simple to use that there isn’t much to say.
Is it perfect? No.
Is it easy to use? Yes.
Is it good? Yes.
Should you use Speechelo? That depends on you all I can say is give it a try and if you don’t like the software there is a 60-day money-back guarantee.