The next four web sites are significant when you want to purchase expired domains since they will help you make sure that they are not on a SPAM List. It is challenging to remove a web site from a spam list so use these before you purchase. A few minutes of research saves a lifetime of PAIN.

Black List Alert: NOTE: Black List Alert just offers a free lookup service to you. We can not remove you from any list. LHSBL / RHSBL Queries for Nuts.

UBRIBL: (look up URL) URIBL lists domains that appear in spam, NOT where they were sent from. Their lists are intended to be used with antispam software to help TAG emails as spam. URIBL don’t BLOCK. If someone is blocking you because you are on our list, take it up with the person blocking you, URIBL!

Spamhaus: The IP Address Lookup Tool. This lookup tool checks to see if the IP Address is currently listed in the live Spamhaus IP blocklists: SBL, XBL, and PBL. The Domain Lookup Tool. This lookup tool checks to see if the Domain you enter is currently listed in the live Spamhaus Domain Blocklist (DBL). If your Domain is listed on the Spamhaus Domain Blocklist (DBL), this Lookup tool will give you a link to information on what to do.

Talos Intelligence: The world’s largest Email and Web traffic monitoring network. Security Intelligence Operations.