Get Free Commercial Fonts from some of the best font repositories available.

Today fonts are used by everyone with an electronic device like a laptop, tablet, phone or desktop.

Do you realize that many of the popular fonts are licensed and so to get them you need to buy them? This can get costly, I know I purchase fonts for use for designing projects for clients. Usually, the prices can vary from inexpensive around $20 too expensive over $100 per font style or complete font.

How can you save money is by finding a font that is similar to the popular fonts that are available from a website that gives you fonts that you can use with a free Commercial license.

I have found a few good sources for Free Commercial fonts that I will share with you and if you also have a good source that is not mentioned here please leave a comment.

First I would suggest is FontsSquirrel they have so many difficult to find quality free fonts that are licensed for commercial use.

  1. 1001 Fonts:
  2. Font Space 150 Free Commercial Fonts:
  3. Google Fonts:
  4. Dot Colon:

These are a few places where you can get free commercial fonts but as with everything check to see if the licensing fits the description for your use.


Always verify the fonts are actually free or if they have been pirated. Do not be a pirate. The font creators also need to eat. 🙂