If you can get your visitors to take action, you’ll also get them to buy something from you. Great copywriting is the key to making that happen! It doesn’t matter if your website or sales funnel is bursting with useful information. If your copy isn’t creating a strong enough call-to-action, visitors won’t take the actions you want them to take. Copywriting may seem like an easy checklist item, but it can be much more than that. In fact, it’s one of the most important elements of your strategy as an affiliate, ecom store, blogger, influencer, or for a funnel builder – and not just because it helps sell products. Read on to find out everything you need to know about copywriting.

What is copywriting?

Copywriting may seem like a fancy, marketing-related term, but it’s actually a pretty simple concept. In short, copywriting is the act of writing copy. Copy, in this case, is any content written to sell a product or service, be it in the form of blog posts or product descriptions. Copywriting isn’t just a fancy word for blogging either. It actually has a ton of different applications, including some that you might not even know about. Here are just a few examples of copywriting you might run into every day:

  • Advertising copy – Ads that appear on television, online, or in magazines are all forms of copywriting.
  • Package or product description – Any description you write for a product you’re selling is copywriting.
  • Blogs or articles – These are some of the most common forms of copywriting on the Internet. Every article you write that’s meant to be read by an audience is, in fact, a form of copywriting.

Why is copywriting so important?

Copywriting is extremely important because it’s the first step in getting your potential customers to actually take action. It all starts with the initial click and even before that if your copy is strong enough. The copy you use on your website or sales funnel can make or break your potential customers. If you’re using beautiful, well-written copy, you’ll grab your visitors’ attention and can reel them in. If your copy is poorly written, you risk turning them off and losing their attention. The better your copy is, the more likely visitors are to click on your ads or buy your products. If you don’t have amazing copy, you won’t be able to convert as many customers. That’s why copywriting is so important; it’s the first step in getting customers to take action.

Effective copywriting tips

If you want to turn your visitors into buyers, you’ll need to put in some effort to make your copywriting as effective as possible. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

  • Make your copy conversational: Write your copy as if you were talking to a friend. Conversational copy is more relatable and friendly than formal copy.
  • Keep your wording simple: If your copy is full of big, complicated words, people will be less likely to click on it. It’s important to find a balance between simplicity and literary prowess.
  • Include a strong call-to-action: Your CTA is what your copy should aim to achieve. Make sure it’s catchy and enticing so that it compels people to click on your products.
  • Be original: Don’t try to copy the styles of other brands or copywriting examples. Be unique and stand out from the crowd.

How to increase sales with your writing

If you want to increase sales with your writing, you’ll need to ensure that your copywriting is on point. When it comes to copywriting, there are a lot of different things you could do to improve your sales. However, there are a few strategies that work better than others. These strategies can help you improve your sales with your writing no matter what type of business you have. Here are just a few ways you can improve your sales with your writing:

  • Use strong headlines: Headlines are what grab your readers’ attention and reel them in. Make sure your headlines are enticing and interesting so that people can’t help but click on them.
  • Include product benefits: People want products that will help them in some way. If you can make it clear how your products benefit your customers, they’ll be more likely to buy them.
  • Use descriptive language: If your descriptions are vague and boring, they won’t sell as well. Make sure your product descriptions are descriptive and interesting so that people want to buy your products.


Copywriting is an often overlooked aspect of many businesses. But if your copy doesn’t capture your audience’s attention, you’ll struggle to convert visitors into buyers.

When your copy is well-written, you can get customers to take action and buy from you, even if your product page has a poor design.

To increase your sales, make sure your copywriting is effective. You can do this by following these copywriting tips and improving your sales with your writing.