For Facebook just past the location of the Facebook video like and in WordPress the video shows but there is a problem the audio needs to be turned on otherwise you are just seeing the video playing with no sound. The code must be placed on a separate line in WordPress to work.

Too if you are trying to use a video from a private group, sorry doesn’t seem to work. What you need to do is put the video in your public wall posts.


To add a Facebook video to your website here is an example of the HTML code.

<title>Your Fabulous Website</title>
<!– Load Facebook SDK for JavaScript –>

<!– Your embedded video player code –>

How to Share With Just Friends

How to share with just friends.


With video being so hot today we look for the best solutions to having a video hosted, and true there is YouTube, but YouTube can be problematic with related videos showing when you pause or at the end of viewing the video. Also, if YouTube cancels your channel well, then you lose all of your video hosting in one shot.

Then there is again shows only 480p and the videos. Some consider this a YouTube killer I don’t since would need to be upgraded a lot to make it even close to YouTube.

Now, better has 1080p but if you want to monetize doesn’t seem to be the key to wealth, but the videos are better in a sense than

Alternative #3 is BitChute

Vimeo is a great alternative an has a free version but restricted to how much you can upload and other things.

Here is a Vimeo video. The code looks like this when placed on a WordPress post or page. Must be placed on a separate line.